Jen Nipps, Writer

Posts Tagged ‘sing

Create Yourself

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I collect quotes. I found one today while reading the magazine Where Women Create.

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”

-George Bernard Shaw

This is an exciting concept to me! Why would you want to find something old, stale, and trite when you could create something new, bold, and exciting?

Do whatever it is you want to do.

Write. Draw. Paint. Sing. Dance. Compose. Take pictures. Knit. Crochet. Weave. Spin. Cook. Garden. Teach. Parent. LIVE.

Give yourself permission.


And instead of finding yourself, CREATE yourself.

Have fun!

Written by Jen Nipps

March 5, 2011 at 2:43 pm

Saturday Source: Music

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I’m not going to make any specific recommendation for a type or music or for any particular musician.  This source is music in general.

Music, if done well, makes us want to do.  Sing, dance, write, whatever.

Last night, the radio station I had on played a lot of songs from the late 1980s/early 1990s.  A current novel-in-progress has a lot of those mentioned or implied.  I worked on that a lot last night while listening to the radio.

Don’t underestimate music as a creativity source.

Written by Jen Nipps

May 10, 2008 at 8:29 am