Jen Nipps, Writer

Posts Tagged ‘press release

Press Release: Book by Pamela Lynn Rhine

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PublishAmerica* Presents The Wiccan Rule by Pamela Lynn Rhine

Frederick, MD December 17, 2010
— PublishAmerica is proud to present The Wiccan Rule by Pamela Lynn Rhine.

There is a club in town, The Wiccan club. Sami and her sister decides to join the club, along with a few friends. But their friend Hunter is already a powerful Wiccan, unbeknownst to his friends.
The kids find out that their teacher is the Dark Warlock, who is out to destroy all Wiccans. They must practice their magick and build their strength from it. They will have to defend themselves from him and his creatures, creatures from another world, a world of darkness.

The Warlock wants Sami to belong to him and Hunter vows to fight for her. He must find them before it is too late for Sami.

Pamela L Rhine is a published author and is now writing her third novel. She is a proud member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma and lives in Claremore Oklahoma with her husband, Dan.

PublishAmerica is the home of 50,000 talented authors.  PublishAmerica is a traditional publishing company whose primary goal is to encourage and promote the works of new, previously undiscovered writers.  Like more mainstream publishers, PublishAmerica pays its authors advances and royalties and makes its books available through all bookstores.  PublishAmerica offers a distinctly personal, supportive alternative to vanity presses and less accessible publishers.

*Note: I do not endorse nor support PublishAmerica. However, I do support the efforts of fellow authors. This is posted for the latter reason.

Written by Jen Nipps

December 17, 2010 at 8:39 am

Press Release: Imagine Oklahoma at Red Dirt Book Festival

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Pioneer Library System
CONTACT: Galyn Cresap, Public Relations Specialist
Telephone; 701-2674

Imagine Oklahoma at Red Dirt Book Festival

SHAWNEE—More than 70 well-known writers, entertainers, and scholars with Oklahoma roots are preparing to be in Shawnee, Okla. on November 6 and 7 to present 40 programs for hundreds of reading enthusiasts and aspiring writers. The fourth biennial Red Dirt Book Festival will be held at the Heart of Oklahoma Expo Center on Friday, November 6, and at Oklahoma Baptist University on Saturday, November 7. The public is invited to attend any or all of the programs associated with the festival. Registration for most Red Dirt Book Festival events is free and can be done online at through October 15.

Imagine Oklahoma is the conversational theme for the 2009 festival, and will be illustrated by several featured presenters who help the world image Oklahoma through their work on television. Ron Stahl, co-host of the Integris Discover Oklahoma series will speak at the Opening General Session at the Expo Center at 9 a.m. Friday, November 6. The luncheon speaker on Friday is Susan Miller, producer of the Gallery series on OETA-TV. The Friday evening banquet speaker is Galen Culver, producer of the Is This a Great State or What! series for KFOR-TV. Also performing at the banquet which will be held at the Potawatomi Cultural Heritage Center are the Red Dirt Rangers.

The featured author for the 2009 festival is Billie Letts, best known for her debut novel, Where the Heart Is which became a York Times Best Seller, an Oprah Book Club selection, and a major motion picture. Letts has written three more novels, all with Oklahoma settings and characters. Her latest work, Made in the USA, was published in 2008. Letts will speak at OBU’s Raley Chapel at 11 a.m. Saturday, November 7. Copies of her novels will be available for purchase and autographing following the presentation.

Previous featured authors have included Tony Hillerman, the first American author whose work was featured on the PBS series, Mystery!; Bob Burke, 2006 Oklahoma Hall of Fame inductee who has written 70 historical non-fiction books; Fred R. Harris, former U.S. Senator from Oklahoma and widely published author of nonfiction, including Does People Do It? A Memoir; and Carolyn Hart, master of mystery and suspense and the first author to win all three major mystery awards for her novels–the Agatha, the Anthony, and the Macavity awards.

Those interested in attending any portion of the festival may visit their nearest hometown public library in Cleveland, McClain and Pottawatomie counties to pick up a free copy of the winter 2009 edition of WORD Magazine which contains complete festival information including a list of presenters and donors.

Major support for the festival is provided the Pioneer Library System, the Oklahoma Humanities Council, and the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Ar-Hale Family Foundation, Dougherty Fund, and Kirkpatrick Family Fund.  Additional support comes from the Shawnee Convention and Visitors Bureau, the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, Oklahoma Baptist University and St. Gregory’s University and many local donors and volunteers.

Written by Jen Nipps

September 23, 2009 at 7:45 pm

Press Release: The Freshman Writer

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Contact: Heiddi Zalamar

New Website makes it easier for beginning writers to generate ideas, find inspiration, and get published!

I want to write but don’t know what to write about. I have great ideas, how can I get them on paper? I want information on how to get started in the freelance writing world, but I have no clue know where to look. I’ve sent out several emails with no response, help!

Sound familiar?

Heiddi Zalamar is a New York-based freelance writer and therapist who asked all of these questions of other writers along her way.  Asking them all the time was frustrating and she wanted to find one place with all the answers to those questions. Thus, the birth of The Freshman Writer came to fruition.

The Freshman Writer was conceived when Heiddi noticed on several online writing groups the same questions repeatedly. Recently, she noted that many writers started sentences with “I’m a newbie and I need help!” Heiddi started a web log (blog) for new, freshman, writers to fulfill that need. For three years, Heiddi has published many articles with advice and help from more experienced writers.

Heiddi realized that there were few websites dedicated specifically to freshman writers looking for ways to write and publish works.

“For Freshman Writers, it’s the place to be”, reads the caption at the top of the site. With articles, exercises, book reviews and more! Heiddi wants to support and guide Freshman Writers from idea inception to publication.

There is too much information online and in print for freshman writers to sort through. With book and website reviews, freshman writers can get the information they need without having to waste valuable time and money.

If you have questions about freelance writing and you don’t know where to start, go to  Explore the Freshman Writer to find out how you can get writing and published. Please direct questions to Heiddi at and she will respond promptly!

Written by: Heiddi Zalamar

Written by Jen Nipps

October 13, 2008 at 7:49 am