Jen Nipps, Writer

Posts Tagged ‘intentions


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I am on vacation this week. Well, since Wednesday, so it hasn’t been all week. Still, it counts.

I brought some writing-related things, intending to work on them and to work on Navajo Rose. So far, I haven’t.

I remind other people they need to refill their creative well, but lately, I haven’t been doing that myself. I’ve been working on day job stuff, sending out queries, and writing. The writing has been getting harder than necessary. I should have recognized that clue immediately that I needed to take some time to refill my well.

I’m at Robbers Cave State Park in Wilburton, Oklahoma. It’s beautiful. My own intentions of writing aside, I’ve been swimming, hiking, taking pictures, and just observing.

It’s what I needed in so many ways.

I have a new 3-subject notebook. With as much writing as I have been doing lately, actually since last October, I think I’m going to try morning pages again. Previously I didn’t do them because if I wasn’t writing — and I wasn’t much — I felt like the three pages in the morning got my writing in for the day. I’ll see if it works better for me this time around.

(If you don’t know, “morning pages” is an exercise used and recommended by Julia Cameron in The Artist’s Way to get the garbage out first thing in the morning so you’ll be open to creativity and inspiration throughout the day.)

At the very least, I understand better how I work now than I did then, so I won’t let myself use the “I already wrote today when I did morning pages” as an excuse.


Excuse me while my subconscious asserts itself into the conscious world and takes me back out on its intentions to refill my creative well.