Jen Nipps, Writer

Archive for April 2011

Evolution of a Pattern

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I know, my drawing skills aren’t all that great. But you get the idea.

I’m writing out a crochet pattern. Ordinarily, you would think writing is writing. However, writing patterns is a whole different ballgame. I know what I want (a butterfly shawl), but I haven’t been able to find it. So I’m making it myself.

The simple drawing is to keep in mind the ultimate outcome. (Yes, hopefully it will be more balanced than this.) I’ve started writing out the pattern. It will be done in parts and then sewn/crocheted together.

I don’t know if the wings will be done individually or done in sets to minimize the sewing. That will actually depend on what I can figure out about it.

As I get it worked out, I’ll post progress notes and sometimes pictures. I’ll get this figured out and you’ll see the evolution of a pattern.

Written by Jen Nipps

April 4, 2011 at 5:38 pm